I know in the threads some people were wondering how I was linking to threads that didn't exist yet in I'm stuck in an infinite loop! I'll explain here. It isn't very complicated at all, fyi.
1. Make 4 alts (I wanted to make 5 (one for each aura) but wasn't sure what the 5th would be called, AlphaSentauri, maybe?)
2. Find the last thread created on the BBS. Add +1 to the end number in the URL, this will take you to an error page saying that thread doesn't exist.
3. Open all 4 alts accounts in different windows (I used 4 different browsers) and get to the new topic window in each
4. The first topic (to be posted on my main) was to be topic number 1264341, so in that thread I linked to topic number 1264342. In topic 1264342, I linked to 1264343. In 1264343 I linked to 1264344. And in 1264344 I closed the loop and linked back to the original, 1264341.
5. Line all the "post it!" buttons up on your screen and post them all within a second or so to ensure nobody makes a new thread i the middle of your posting (one of your links would just link to some random thread in that case)
I was originally just going to do it with two accounts, but since I'm such an ambitious young man I did 4. Slightly more spammy but vastly more entertaining.
So there isn't anything special in linking to threads that don't exist yet, you just link to them, and then make them. This same concept has given me an idea for another thread that will awesome. So look for it soon, and post in it quickly, because i imagine it will be locked rather quickly.
That thread was legendary man, you are such a visionary, Alpha!